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Patio Door - USA

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60 External Comments

Patio door open, chimes chimin, fountain dripping. what a gorgeous day (Careyp******)

So my mama had the patio door open thinking its summer time. now my allergies all outta wack! Time to pop a couple benedryls (Ashleig******)

My neighbor just woke me up to the scariest news I've heard in along time! Someone tried to break into there patio door last night! (MzZ_T****)

I had my patio door open & somebody was bbqing outside. now my whole apt smells like smoke & my eyes r burning (BrwnSknD*******)

Nothing better than a nap with the patio door open & a fresh breeze blowing in. And a dream of being on a tropical beach. :) (Alex_****)

Watching 'Never Back Down' again but my patio door is open and it smells like spring. (Taylor*****)

Beautiful weather, patio door open, grill smells coming in, delicious food from my hubby, baby kicking away, and me crocheting. (Kyley*****)

Waiting, waiting, waiting for pizza. Enjoying having the patio door thrown open, natural (still cool) air filling the loft. (Jsh***)

Hope everybody has had a good sunday so far. beautiful day in the H! opened up my patio door to let the sun shine on in. feels so good out (Doobie*****)

Has the patio door and the windows open. enjoying the beautiful weather with the babies and watching supernatural. i love the winchesters! (Thomasl*******)

OK.. in the case of a tropical storm in MALTA do not open the patio door and the hotel room door at the same time.. wheres the instructions? (Acu***)

Researching weather stripping materials 4 the condo en-suite door, patio door and windows if need be. My part in conserving energy (Pink_*****)

Ate a sub, drank a beer, and just napped near the patio door under the sun, today is a good day! hooray for smiley shaped terds!! (J03l***)

I could watch movies like the wedding planner & how to lose a guy in 10 days. al day with the patio door open and alcoholic beverages!! (Carmine*******)

There is a little black cat that likes to visit me on weekends. I leave my patio door open and he just comes on in to say hi. Super cute :) (Laura*****)

The bird singing right outside our patio door sounded like a toy but upon further inspection it is a real bird & it sounds so pretty! :) (Melissa******)

Moving the bar to fix the cat pee spot in front of the patio door caused half of it to collapse when I tried to move it back. (Theon****)

An adjustable 1" diameter shower curtain rod from Bed, Bath & Beyond can be a more attractive patio door security device than a broomstick. (Charlie*******)

My head hurts. i drank a suitable amount of wine to forgot i has so many people in my house. now time to fix the curtain rail and patio door (Erinl****)

I had to come back home cause the patio door was left open and mom was scared so I'm stayin here I guess _ (Conan****)

We've been here 2hrs - 2 kids have run into the back patio door (they couldn't tell it was closed) & 1 kid clogged the toilet (Melissa******)

Just bought a new window and patio door. Sticker shock is setting in. (Libra*****)

Florida-warm today-my patio door is open-very quiet-doing work on the computer~it just sounded like my DAD flew over~llke when i was little (Fronti******)

The wind last night popped our patio door open, and it is FREEZING in the house. (Sbma***)

The patio door got blown open while I was asleep. Apparently the lock doesn't work. (Webbup*****)

Fell asleep with the patio door open, now the crib is freezing (Lime_o*****)

Is it necessary for both dogs to get noseprints all over the patio door after I wash it? :) (Ps**)

Uf! There is a cricket SCREAMING outside my patio door! I'm really going nuts here quarintined to my house! (Iame****)

Woof! I'm in the dog house again (figuratively) I've chewed the patio door lintel now there is a hole. Mummy is doing that scowling thing. (Itsbe*****)

There is a sneaky little bird that keeps trying to come in through my patio door. Silly birdie! (Alicia******)

Somewhere between the patio door and my desk, I lost both my phone and my glasses. (Ejac***)

Do I depend on the Internet too much? I am sitting two feet from my sliding patio door, and I just went online to see if it was cold out. (Lara****)

Craziest thing just happened. 2 robins just slammed into my patio door. If it had been open they would be in the living room with me! LOL (OkieE****)

Found out why I'm so cold, the patio door is open. Must go thaw my feet now. (Quich****)

Before peeing w/ ur bathroom door open, please make sure that I can't see the reflection of you doing so in the patio door. - Love, Erica (Atlpri*****)

LOVE having my patio door open and listening to the dusk sounds. (Same***)

Sales team going to Patio Door training tomorrow. Excited about the new doors and our customers will absolutely love them! (Richmon*******)

Gloria just gave away a vertical blinds for a patio door on the Marketplace! (Theco****)

The patio door got jammed against mansons cage and i couldnt get out. thank god shaun was here so i could bang on the window to wake him up (_heid****)

Reckon the nasty little critters are coming through the bottom of the patio door! (Clip***)

Wow who knew shopping online for a new patio door would be so tough. Not much product info, but a lot of fluff and poorly done sites. (Jacobl******)

Yes. Slamming my patio door IS necessary apt. 127 when you are smoking one floor below me. (Kerisp*****)

It's so nice to have the patio door open, but holy chickens, did it get cold in here all of a sudden. (Indigo******)

Watchin "the man with the golden gun" with the boys. patio door open, dog is fluffy n clean - life is good. (Prett****)

I find it mildly amusing and disturbing that when I just said LOL out loud, the dog next door barked. Patio door is open and he's outside. (Jaymi_******)

Got the patio door open letting the fresh air in. The cardinal l hear singing agrees, "Maybe spring is finally here!" (Jeanho*****)

My preceptor seriously let me go 4 hours early for no discernible reason. I'm already at home with the patio door open and watching Ellen. (Mynamei******)

Eating a mix of apples and pineapples and watching spongebob with my patio door open, enjoying this weather.. Soo good (Rachel*****)

OMG the most enormous bumble bee just flew into the patio door, I hope he's ok. (Goddes*****)

Left the patio door open during movie night tonight. hello new friends. i see you like my light fixtures. (Hannahd******)

Pro of pressure washer: clean patio, con: it mucks up the patio door! (Dib***)

Backhoe is trying to pull a boulder out from my back yard 10 ft. from by patio door. Bucket keeps scraping the rock so it makes awful noises (Drunk*****)

Greetings , cool breeze flowing through the patio door, relaxed, feet propped up, bottled water within arms reach, ready to (Ttma***)

Had to turn on my little window AC unit. Can't sleep w/the windows and patio door open, don't wanna have to kill someone trying to break in. (Craft****)

Rubbing garlic & onions onto the patio door because we heard Blabber saying she'd like a French door. Hope she likes it. (Parm****)

Isaac just brought me my hat and sandals and is now waiting by the patio door. I think he wants to go outside (Heathe******)

My cat is such a biotch. He pulls dog bed to patio door and lays in it while dogs outside during the day ROFL he's startin to grow on me (Ambers*****)

Milgard Windows and Doors have introduced a Vinyl Hinged Patio Door! Finally a French Door that won't rot or warp + has lifetime warranty. (Windowe******)

Sleeping in my california king sized bed listening to the thunderstorm with the patio door wide open. i love rainy days (Margkob******)

Heading out to install a sliding glass patio door in place of an existing french door that heads out onto a beautiful screened in porch. (DABReno*******)

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