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Rothbury - USA

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8 External Comments

Brilliant. best Semillon ever had from Len's mate, Gerry Sissingh Rothbury-fruit tasted liked you'd only find in science fiction!! (Winewom******)

There was a mosquito in my car as I drove home last night. I was as tense as i would be if I was driving a knackered Lexus through Rothbury (TheSlee*******)

Love how Real Radio's Rothbury resident reporting moat from his attic said he had no update cos nothing new had happened trythatjournos. (Katefox******)

I am really pleased i got to find out that the rothbury mountain biker 'is knackered man' via bbc news 24. Lucky he had his camelback (Martyn******)

Preparing for Rothbury exhibition opening when my Sat Nav suddenly shouted "TURN RIGHT"- no idea how it was switched on. Political comment? (Northum******)

It's just a wee bit grey in Rothbury at the moment, but it doesn't stop it being beautiful, the greenery just looks more vibrant and lush (Coccuved*******)

Microfibre six seater sectional sofas and Bargain 7 piece sectional settee in a sale at shops around Rothbury (Smart_******)

Rothbury's Crown Studio Gallery always has a stock of replica ceramics by as seen on TV and commissioned for Stonehenge. (Northum******)

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