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60 External Comments

Next purshase: matte nail polishes, high pumps.. like super high, leather/regular black long leggings, rings, & necklace. I think that's it? (Raach****)

ROTFLMAO this old drug dealer in Wings and Waffles with a fur vest on and diamonds rings, watches, bracelets, & chains (Tatebo*****)

There was antique carousel when I visited my Grandma's Had brass rings you could grab as you rode. The most rings got a free ride (Beloveds*******)

The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage. (Gregjon******)

Very saddle sore. Seriously, cyclists must have rings of steel! Maybe an idea there for Marvel comics? (PawnSac******)

I can't believe they let me perform this song at my 6th grade talent show. They even let me use my cock rings and electric dog collar. (TheLo*****)

I want to hear some new iphone rumors. I'm betting on a pink outer shell that flashes when it rings and a periscope to go with the compass. (Mat***)

Wear black cashmere, & sip Chai spice black tea. Why ? well, when UPS or the postman rings your bell. You may feel sick. but you look FABULOUS (Fash***)

So I just found out my history teacher has 3 superbowl rings because he played for the Green Bay Packers. Interesting. Lol. (: (Perlam******)

Only diamond bridal rings at Kay Jewelers are on sale. Going to keep the money in my bank for now. No sense buying one today. (TheA***)

AND! He got me a fairy! She's beautiful, to match the Veronese box he bought me at Xmas and the tiny fairy ring box we keep our rings in! (Mizzel*****)

In Ancient Egypt, Engagment rings were made out of reeds and rushes which were woven and braided. (IWe**)

Sorry boi I can't b girl. Pinky rings not wedding bands. Let's make moves like pinocchio And do this thing with no strings attached!! (AGG**)

Good time to view the rings of Saturn due to the planets axial tilt toward earth. (STARB*****)

Blk&ugly as eva howeva. i stay coogi dwn to the socks. rings&watch filld w/rocks &my jam kock n yo mitsubishi. biggie gimme 1more chance. (Mssd****)

I know it a remake, but I think Clash of the Titans looks like Pirates of the Rings. Lord of the Carribbean. (Brittt******)

Wow Shelby and Kevin! Congratulations on capturing each others heart as witnessed though exchange of claddagh rings! (Alphac******)

Is it some kind of Irish curse to have had two claddagh rings break within five years? (Que***)

Uhh it bothers me when poeople don't match. ie. Wearing gold earings with silver rings and a silver necklace. (Sahersa******)

Amethyst widely used in birthstone pendants, birthstone rings; birthstone bracelets for both males and females born in the month of February (Rainah*****)

So fyi I dnt think I own ne thing green besides my birthstone rings that I wear everyday does that count? (BrIaN****)

I wonder if there are any more fossil trees in Wiltshire? And it's a conifer, with growth rings - such detail. amazing (Mur***)

I'm about 2 clean out my jewelry box out n give it to my lil cuzin sharmaine rings bracelets n necklaces. all dat (Covergir*******)

Cheap eBay 4x4 filter set arrived today from HK. Now just waiting for Cokin P holder and adapter rings. Not Glass, but lexan. (IanGW****)

Only way to cheer up go to da mall get some shades watches belt buckle and ear rings den eat (Catomayn*******)

Bored as hell its firday and theres nothing for me to do :( thats sad lol ill just sit here and watch movies and shop for belly button rings (LenaA*****)

Sometimesiwonder why girls think its ok to have belly button rings n u dont have a nice tummy but a beer gut or a muffin top sorry not cute (Yaki***)

I really need to go shopping for new belly button rings for spring! (Chelse******)

SometimesiWonder why those overweight females get those belly button rings and they be havin a bulge (MrSque*****)

I am now the proud owner of 5 zebra striped belly button rings. And I am struggling to switch it. (Maryall******)

Actually written on the board in philosophy: DSL, boobs, belly button rings. (DeltaE******)

Tired. but looking at belly button rings to order. so many cute ones idk which ones i want!! (K_S***)

Are belly button rings cheesy? I kinda want to get one when I reach me goal. amongst other piercings (BlastL*****)

Summer items have started arriving!! Beach Towls, Belly Button Rings, Bathing suits, & much much more! (Sanrio*****)

I never have sexy belly button rings until the summer anyways.. (Kenesh*****)

Wea all da fatchicks at wit belly button rings, and back tattoos?? Lol (SupaSta******)

Chicks with an outie. still decide to get belly button rings? Eurgh. [That is all I shall say about that] (Incomple*******)

Belly button rings are too high maintenance. this mess is blowin me. (_i_e****)

New lip rings came in! My rainbow ones are beast! :) & new belly button rings came. (Zomg****)

Soo uhh yeah spent al my little money spring break smh lol well got new lip rings tongue rings nd belly button rings ready 4 summer! (MiszN****)

Mova bought me back some belly button rings. dammit she kicks ass! (LittleMi*******)

Chest tattoos bout to be played out like belly button rings everybody got one (Itsnev*****)

Belly button rings for my bday! I can't wait to change it! 2 more weeks. (Shy_Dr*****)

Why cant pregnant woman have their belly button rings in. geez (Asslike******)

I feel there should be an age limit on belly button rings.. ImJustSayin Kinda wierd listenin to a 50yr old talkin bout it. lol (Ms7**)

Have you thought about using cubic zirconia in belly button rings. They add sparkle to suntanned skin. Plan now for the summer buying season (Czworl*****)

Looking at belly button rings. Any one know any good websites? (YoniW****)

Youknowitsspring when chicks start getting belly button rings. But they weigh 250 (Oochi*****)

He's so hot with all those tats. especially in that LA hat. diamond plugs, septum rings, i like money.. bling bling bling. (Ellie*****)

Haha these people just found two real diamond rings! They made storage wars bank (Bitteris*******)

Watching storage wars and ricky and bubba got 49k for two real diamond rings wow! (0dd***)

Its nice and clean as hell at USF. Someone show me where the Bill Russell shrine at. they need to salute that man. He only got 11 rings (Kyle_Wi******)

Tring get more rings din bill russell wanna talk biz wit uncle russell tell rev run like me shout out 2 damon waynes lol got a natural pimp (Urs**)

ItsReallyAnnoying That Bill Russell is claiming he has the most rings when its clear and obvious that Sonic does. (Miste*****)

Just woke up. eatin some peach rings and playin Midnight Club La on xbox (XXSDB****)

New business need support. Aromatherapy Angel Pillows featuring Neck Pillows. Spine Pillows, Silk Eye Pillows. Eye Mask/Egyptian Wired Rings (AngelPil*******)

Online store up and running! Sterling Silver rings with self empowerment symbols. check them out. they are tre cool! (Xanica_*******)

Props to Dwyte Pilgrim for ring 3 and all but why all the props for him and no love for KY's Mark "Pegasus" Smith who has four WSOPC rings? (Jessw*****)

TMZ has learned the team will be getting their World Series rings on April 13th (Jayde****)

Yes, I do love Lord of the rings. I've watched every single movie ;D Aragon (alias Viggo Mortensen) is hot!! (Uhw**)

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