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60 External Comments

Ever since I got my down comforter I feel like I'm sleeping in a nest. I like it! (Emelya******)

Watching live cams of a hummingbird nest in California and a black bear den, with baby. This internet thingy's great, isn't it? (MsPM****)

Tomorrow a large shipment from England will arrive !! Teak 60's furniture..3 sideboards, nest of tables, dining table with 4 chairs, etc. (Decenni*******)

The blue Tit looks like a ball of wool. All curled up now in its nest box. Live webcam link at the top of my blog (Norther*******)

The toddler is in a blanket/pillow nest behind the couch, playing the accordion. (Eggdro*****)

So much cleaning but it was fun. can't wait to spring clean and have dad kill all the bees/wasp nest by my house windows! they're back (RainLov*******)

Join our facebook group! The Birds Nest- Baltimore Ravens & Orioles News (Baltimo*******)

And why are big yellow wasps out? On my rabbit hutch? Are they trying to nest? (CBic****)

Pigeons making a nest on my neighbor's air con condenser. Time to practise skeet shooting with my nerf gun! (Adri****)

Spent 90min watching my bluebird box this AM. BB's r making a nest but had chickadees, nuthatches & brown headed cowbirds inspecting the box (MagicLig*******)

The dinner was great ar Eagles nest I have never tasted crab imperial like this before, tastes a lot like chicken. Sat with Dr. RHUE (Jimwe****)

Instead of resting after B's surgery, he's getting rid of the "damn pigeons" building a nest in our bay window. (KikTw****)

Hubby is fixing our bay window roof after birds were trying to make nest in it & sending my cats up the wall (& curtains). Making gd job! :) (Loco****)

I found some cool stuff like a wasp nest on the ground, some bobcat prints, and some cool fungi!! (JOHNATH*******)

Pair of magpies are building nest in a plane tree at the foot of St Martin's Lane. One just flew the whole length of the street with twigs. (Exitthe*******)

LA City Small Animal team to the rescue. Suited up and ready to put fallen baby owl back in nest. So nervous! (Devin*****)

Enjoyed today working on my beetle including removing mouse nest stocked with peanuts. just need to get welding finished and brakes done (ADItr*****)

One flew over the cuckoo's nest: flights of air force one over white house while the obama's reside. (Lanet*****)

My daughter is weird. She's building a nest in the dog bed with shoes, photo frames, and a placemat over her lap as a blanket. (Andi****)

Birdorama: Watching the eagles' nest with spotting scope and goose nest with binocs from comfort of my house under construction. (Valeri******)

When the Easter bunny has sex with a Kentucky Fried Chicken. The chicken will soon have a nest full of Easter eggs. (Pointn*****)

Attn ghetto ladies, if your gonna get s weave, USE HUMAN HAIR. or at least make it look less like a rats nest. (Robbycou*******)

Wasp fogger can lied! There was no 25ft of spray, it was more like 5. Had to stand right under the nest. and then run like hell! (Kani****)

Layin it down for the night. My feathers are laying nice on top of this nest. ijusmadethatup. Lmaoo (T_N***)

House finches are making a nest on Ranae's front porch. so cute! (Cowpu*****)

Now have 4 eggs in the birds nest built in my Christmas wreath! Guess it will definitely be staying up for a while. (Trace*****)

New old saying: If you leave a Christmas wreath on your door until April, a bird will build a nest in it. Yes, it really happened! (DG**)

Nest on the blocks around the flower bed. I wanted to hit it with the weed eater but decided that wouldn't be the smartest decision of the (ManD****)

Jean Dujardin, as French spy Hubert Bonisseur de La Bath, wears a Tissot Heritage 150 in the movie OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies. (Watc***)

Quiet time on the screen porch watching the blue birds build their nest in our blue bird house. I LOVE my RISEN Saviour! (BethG*****)

I wished I had a bird house to put the nest in, so it could be used. (Conside******)

Anyone from the eagles nest at the foundry? Let me know if you are please! (Pauls_*****)

Uh my sister is hitting a bees nest with a Rock band guitar. Not the smartest idea in my mind. (Swim****)

Canada Goose is setting on a nest. Number of eggs is uncertain, I'm leaving her alone. (Feathe*****)

Come on Sri Lanka, be consistent. Either we're accepting econ immigrant as refugee or we're creating a nest of dissidents. Which is it? (Gnol****)

Dirt dobbers and bee's built nest in my shop lights. bad idea to try and turn them on and move them. (Logan_******)

Back home safe and sound after 24 hours of traveling. The nest is feeling a little empty though. (Nora***)

I've decided that scene in nat. Lampoon vegas vacation where the fam nest egg is being gambled away. Thats my folks! Argh! So bad. (Agen****)

Tell stay out ya tree , bird nest hair ass , bumbox tuner nosee ass , dune buggy engine eye ass, ranch dressin neck ass (Carlcj*****)

LMAO I have a bird nest in my kitchen exhaust fan that goes outside. I'm afraid to turn the fan on :/ but they won't leave! Hahaha (Killda******)

Oh my gosh! thank you random man at the gas station! there was a wasp on my fuel tank making a nest! he saved me ^.^ oh my gosh. so scary. (LaurenMi*******)

Sometimes u gotta leave the nest or family or friends or better yet big brother and show em u can do it on ur own then regroup (ICEBER******)

A Robin has decided to make her/his nest in the vent to my range hood, a saddly disapointing experiance for them, they have to relocate.: ( (Lonc****)

Watching Buck Rogers on Retro TV, nest is Battlestar Gallactica. (Kassil*****)

Bird left poop everywhere in my computer art class. Left window open during wkend. Started to make a nest in the box of colored pencils. Aw. (Courtn******)

Some busy bird has built a nest on top of the light fixture beside our front door. I swear it wasn't there an hour ago! (Lisaarms*******)

I've been informed that apparently two Peregrine Falcons nest on top of Tate Modern. That'll solve the mystery of the pigeon carcass then. (Nonnyg******)

I know you're watching, like a hawk sitting in a turtles nest eating a squirrel, the hypothetical fascist venom is strong. (Shells******)

Saw dozens of Canadian Geese at the protected wetland in NorthBattleford. Included were two cuddled in a nest grooming each other *swoon* (Ann***)

Busy Wednesday with Bible Study in the morning, searching for speaker mounts for the nest. Church Choir practice and after practice at a pub! (Drm**)

Jealous of your haircut. My floppy droppy birds nest is starting to attract an aviary of feathered friends (Belind*****)

Exploring is fun! The little girl I nanny just got so excited 2 C a ladybug. a baby snail& 2 birds carryin twigs N their beaks 2 make a nest! (Cares*****)

That sounds better than my nest of blankets/pillows/and stuffed animals (AHvMAE*****)

I guess it wasn't too early to take down the Christmas wreath from the side of the house! No bird nest this year to delay any more! (Bobew****)

Are you falling out of a tree in that pic? that nest looks like the fur trim on a jacket hood (Queen*****)

Gotta get up early to turn on the exhaust fan to discourage nest building. sigh (Sdm***)

Well it seems a bird is building a nest in the vent from my bathroom exhaust fan. not good (Sdm***)

Awakening to the second hornet in my house this AM. Note to self there is a nest on the porch don't sleep with the French doors open. (Jodipier*******)

Assuming my dapper blackbird has a nest, as I just watched him scoop up 15 mealworms in his beak from the lovely (Pipns****)

Found the cardinal nest. Pink yarn sticking out of the nest. Way up in a willow tree. She keeps coming to feeder, he watches closely. (Ocdbi****)

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