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House Mouse - USA

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60 External Comments

Well I just saw my house mouse and three rats in Rittenhouse park. Enough already. (Betsyvon*******)

Perfect little sun shiney walk with Vinnie "Mouse Killer" Sauer-LeChase. oh, yeah, btw, my dog killed a house mouse yesterday. Huzzah! (JAL1***)

Sick and not a speck of cheese in the house. Very sad House Mouse. (Fromag******)

Lolol yh i no when u leave n come campus your gonna feel a lil weird lol, house mouse (Afrik*****)

Wuff! Yes at 2:38 am I killed a house mouse. It was swimming in my water tray. Bad thing! Must I do the cat job? Where are all cats night? (Spencers*******)

Finally came eye2eye tonight with the house mouse. Not love at first sight for he flashed back under the Roche Bobois couch. Set up a trap. (Jdes****)

House mouse huh. well I gotta get it in for my bday. I usually play the sidelines too (28Bubb*****)

If u naturally otugoing, why u turn into a house mouse just b/c that's what he likes? clearly he dnt like u for U (Twinkle*******)

Feeding the fishville fish tHen setting the scene for our nature film house mouse bring on the gorgonzola (Spook*****)

For a moment I thought you meant stripped mouse! Our house mouse Mr Musculus would be delighted! (MrsEddi*******)

The scientific name for the house mouse if mus musculus. Which sounds like the scientific name for Mighty Mouse. (Empress******)

I'm sorry y'all. company coming this weekend. I'm a lousy house mouse person, I've left all cleaning till now. Must shine toilets C YA (Chessh******)

Found the hole thru which the house mouse sneaks into the living. Plugged it - operation house mouse Top Kill. He likes lasagne by the way. (Jdes****)

Alert. Have traced the house mouse again and immediately set a trap. Smart mouse. He's hiding somewhere behind the kitchen block. Bastard. (Jdes****)

It isn't much of an allowance, but it's mostly for keeping da house mouse free! And for keeping an eye on Lucy. (ThePix******)

Sitting in the kitchen working on mockups. Just saw our house-mouse skitter by. Eek! Oh well, it's summer. (Cas***)

Our renegade house mouse is as dead as my long-term hope for the Indians. (AndyR*****)

The habits and the biology of the House Mouse is important to know, because with knowledge comes the ability to control its presence (Xtermi******)

OK-C & JoJo. Nah. I'm actually a house mouse believe it or not. What's goin on there? (DomFra******)

Fill in the Blank: A female house mouse can give birth to up to a dozen babies every three _. (a. Days b. Weeks c. Months d. Years) (Eden****)

Jerry the house mouse is still around, he must have smelled the banana cake. Use some of it for a poisonous mix. Wonder if he took the bait. (Jdes****)

Deliberately, or did they escape to form a gang with the house mouse? (LogP***)

I'm raising a boy who gets great rewards. sounds good to me they usually end up go getters w/ house mouse wives. (Chann*****)

Saw him in person once. Yea if you live in NYC preferably Harlem there's no such thing as a house mouse just baby cat-rats. (SweetS******)

I think house mice are cute too. hehe But there dangers to live with them. House mouse- cute, Bug- not so much. :) (Lih***)

The problem is that even vegetarian kills animals directly or indirectly, like house mouse, insects, etc. (Lih***)

Fook fooker fooking fookan rookan rokkan nystre robbie haus house mouse cheese holes poles strippers dollars presidents women kitchen FOOD (TheUncom*******)

Just had a further encounter with our house mouse Bernard, but the blighter evaded me again. Tips?!! (KunziP******)

Our wood mouse or deer mouse retreats before the ordinary house mouse in exactly the same way that the European wood mouse does. (Paxlongl*******)

House Mouse Studio is getting started. The website is on its way. Good things come to those who wait ;) (Housemou*******)

What next; save the house mouse or the garden rat - You're far too hysterical - Grow up - The urban Fox needs culling (Rab_R*****)

Heh, who cares about cheese anyway? So is the house mouse-free now? (Silhoue******)

I have a right to the 5th amendment. Did I spell it rite? I slick forgot. lol. Quiet as a church house mouse. maybe. (KitaK****)

So happy my lil sis Saucey comin out w/me tonite time to get her sexy up she's such a house mouse (MzBDom******)

Want 2 enjoy myself in jamaica this time im done with him treating me like i was born a house mouse. want to go somewhere he cant see me. (Impre****)

Yet another new HM who gives it all the big one and then goes in and is like a little house mouse. (Locko****)

At dinner with Anton after a rescue and release mission of a house mouse. (Thesex******)

If your quiet as a church house mouse in person but dare to be bold on . Your (Basels******)

Nathan Scott Phillips, the other house mouse, has also been killed. (Visualp******)

Second house mouse invader captured and executed (also by the sword.) (Techs****)

LOL! Well I'm headed back West through your area now. Maybe next time house mouse lol (Djgd***)

At 's house. We're gonna have dinner. She's singing a song from House Mouse. Then, we're gonna see a stars rain ;D (SusanaG******)

In Waterstones at Trafalagar Sq where I have just seen a real life house mouse. Too fast for the iPhone camera! (Lesa***)

It wasn't a field mouse! Was a house mouse! And BigBruv caught it! YAY!! Stupid red-ninjah-kitteh is still watching same corner for mouse. (Beckys*****)

Your favorite House-Mouse Designs images are available in high quality rubber stamps! Find the perfect stamp for birthdays, seasons, . (Jessica*******)

Loved reading House Mouse Senate Mouse to 3rd graders today. Their teacher left lucrative marketing career to teach public school. (Keithe******)

Shout out to my boy emfordz! Dog dog cat house mouse mom dad sloth dead dead dead (Courtney*******)

Deer mouse? maybe get someone to come in and do some clean up for you? or just house mouse? (Zeroc*****)

Where the boi shorty cock? Seems like he been quiet as a house mouse. (Don***)

I'm convinced on it being house mouse now, but i could be mad. The colouring looks right for house, and the ears aren't huge (RobJa****)

The Boss, Sir Paul, Adele, Coldplay, Mars and even the house mouse contributed to an enjoyable show tonight. (Jsh***)

Haha! Our ver own House-Mouse is in the House! Cool head tonight (BryanDe******)

Steve downstairs setting traps for the house mouse, I am a bit sad. I kinda of hope he gets the cheese but not the death sentence. (Galu****)

Certainly looks house mouse then. I've heard they are difficult to come across now (RobJa****)

Man being a house mouse, i ainn been no where. when i get my car promise ill come get you. (Flawles******)

Turning into a house mouse, stayed in all day yesterday and staying in today (Robbyn******)

Wow. I'm a new fan! My House mouse introduced me to the magic that is - AWESOME new album boys!! (Tamar****)

New in kids' nook: children's bedtime treasury, hardy boys, meet abraham lincoln, sweet dream kisses, woodrow the white house mouse(signed). (Bedford*******)

Dont know how people can stay in, av been in one night and i'm depressed all you house mouse's are losers (Shelby******)

Is my house mouse. House mouse=slave, homemaker, dirty hamster, and sandwich maker ;). (Kenny*****)

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