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He Notebook - USA

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40 External Comments

Just bought he notebook and blindside watchin the blindsidenow! love them both but so sad (Justin******)

He notebook. love & other drugs. white chicks. mean girls. clueless,500 days of summer & some FOOD = A Happy Yani :) (Fierc*****)

I got he notebook only~~haha. i will bring it when i oversea. especially in JYJ concert~ (Meto***)

He Notebook, my entire shirt was soaked with tears by the end (oy) (Joyfully*******)

In he notebook rachel said "imma bird! Say that ur a bird too" and he said "if ur a bird imma bird." hen justin it (Smileyb*******)

Lol Ally from he notebook reminds me when I lot my virginity , I was doing all this talkng NW. (_iamG*****)

That part int he notebook, where she remembers who he is, wow, i had tears lol (Rizoli*****)

Harry potter, um he notebook, some others too but those rlike the 2 i remeber reading about (Posey*****)

Ok i better get back to watching he notebook before i change my mind on wanting to spend my saturday night crying my eyes out (Madiss******)

Watching he notebook and fangirling over Stefan Salvatore from Vampire Diaries. LOOL xD (DopeJJBV*******)

I am anti-nick sparks. i've seen 2 or 3 movies, all bad, and read one book not good. so no no no ont he notebook (Wingless*******)

Really in the mood to watch he notebook and cry my eyes out for some reason!! (SarahW*****)

DIZ. I really wanna kno this. how did u feel as a canibus fan whn he gave that spech n pulled out he notebook? (Gambitt_*******)

I'll text ya half way through the 4th, thats when it gets exciting. You can watch he notebook now lol (Jacq***)

Thanks for the catch! We are changing immediately. The 15.6" T+L does not have an SD card reader, although he Notebook does. (VIZ**)

Brought my HE notebook to do my homework in advanced. but forgot the questions. -__- brilliant. (Moirat******)

Word lux choked ?? wussup wit vets choking thas not ok at all. y did iron lose so bad ? did he notebook it or sumthing? (CaliBo******)

Watching this movie and realized this guy is int he notebook . just made the movie so much better ! (Dayna_De*******)

I'm not the type of girl that cries during a movie but I got to admit watching he notebook really made me cry (Sabreez******)

Hey you know for mrs. cooks essay.. What are the tree points of he notebook we have to focus on?? (JUSTcal*******)

Not watching he notebook on my own like a saddo haha you need company for that. I'm not verbally abusing you! 6 will be grand ;) (Jordan_*******)

EXACTLY all through "he had he notebook I had my guitar" and "fireworks" I was like "why does no one love me lol" (ConnorAf*******)

I just watched he notebook too but instead of painting a cooler i cried about my single life (Allie****)

Looking like crap this morning. Why? My boyfriend made me cry like a baby last night. The things he says should of been in he notebook (Kjo**)

I find it allows kids to personalize their work not simply text on the page. + I like the way he notebook can be shared. (Keithr*****)

And thankgod we didnt even watch he notebook cuz me and bianca wouldve been done (Baby_f******)

I did! I was talkig about he notebook when she says that boy is trouble I'd slap her! LOL (Simplyda*******)

Messed around watching he notebook and missed the walking dead.. Rerun again -.- (Locall******)

I'm the only girl right now not talking about he notebook. I've never seen it, and I'd rather watch The Walking Dead. (Cooo***)

My entire tl is quotes from the notebook and then there's mikayla talking about everyone talking about he notebook (Therando*******)

Guys he notebook special edition is on! omg why am i so weird. dont answer that (Megan****)

I refuse to watch try he notebook. I can't recall the last time I cried & I ain't tryna start tonight. (XForeig*******)

Geordie shore later and tuesday whop. bonding with nanny now. hot water bottle hot choclate fire and. he notebook:-) (TaylDe*****)

I've never seen he notebook before and I'm stressing out because she needs to marry Noah! (Caara*****)

When me nd vince were watching he notebook he was telling me how gay it was until they died hahahaha (Trint****)

Tomorrow ill be with my dogs watching he notebook while shoving chocolate down my throat by the pound (Morgana******)

Leaving school to watch he notebook will my sickly grandma was a good choice (KyraP****)

Watch both (; they are both awesome movies but I think you should watch friday night lights first, he notebook is to long ha (Marisa_L*******)

Favouritemovies the hunger games, the proposal, just go with it, he notebook (Jana_f*****)

Mai to bina bag ke jati thi. Without pen and book. Bas ek notebook. Pure saal ek he notebook. :p (Disco_d******)

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