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Floppy - USA

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60 External Comments

I am not so sure what to think of the setup (older Canon scanner) that supports up to Windows Vista but downloads as zipped 4 floppy discs.. (Andrem*****)

AsAChild I had the very first apple computer with the educational games on floppy (Authenti*******)

Does anyone remember the Apple II E.. 8" floppy disks.. I remember playing Jeopardy, Frogger, Pac Man, Computer Baseball (86food4*******)

Anyone knows how to update BIOS drivers from a USB flash-drive? I have no OS and no Floppy drive. (Who uses that this days, right?) (Fde**)

Amazing, someone is still using a floppy-disc Sony Mavica camera. (Kch***)

Computers will never take the place of books. You can't stand on a floppy disk to reach a high shelf! (Livb***)

And then i fished a library card out of a floppy disk drive with a pair of scissors. (Siren*****)

Upgrade!! - my computer just got upgraded. It now has a floppy disk drive hanging from it's bowels. Haha (Pastama******)

The detailed floppy disk sent to the Financial Services Agency was lost. (MiZuHoC******)

Dr. NakaMats is probably one of the most fascinating people I've ever heard about. He patented the floppy disk, fer chrissakes! (Davidmdi*******)

I wonder if it's possible to repurpose a floppy disk as a ninja throwing star. (Felixa******)

Creating some profiles at vimeo & dropbox. got to get caught up w/ the times! can't share my creativity w/ just a 3.5 floppy disk anymore (Kirkh****)

Let's see the reason this computer might not be working at this hotel is because there is a FLOPPY disk on the tower. (CarmenSp*******)

Watching The Net ('95) Just 5 min in & already we've had old Mac interface, a floppy disk and a chat room. Oh! And a large flannel shirt. (HollyW******)

Why do applications still use a floppy disk icon for the "save" function? Most youngins have never used floppies. (Zombie******)

Thinks it's funny that the "save email" button on Outlook is a floppy disk. I almost couldn't find it, since they're extinct. (Rayla****)

Great! Now someone stuck a floppy disk on the non-working pc! Seriously! (Roxi***)

I wonder how many people actually have seen/used/held actual floppy disk. Most user interfaces use Diskette for function Save, other options? (Aleks****)

Just about to hand in my assignment on a floppy disk. Retro much? : (We**)

What do people do with their 20 year old computer programs/books? I still have the ones on floppy disk! (Lyonm*****)

Upgraded to colecos today. internet floppy disk should be arriving in 2-3 months. not looking forward to sharing it. (Ttma***)

Icons that refer to outdated technologies: Word 2007's floppy-disk icon for "Save"; Android's Rolodex card for "Contacts." (AdamsDr******)

How am i pose2 send my resume out wen my floppy disk keep effin up (Klass*****)

Found a USB Floppy Drive in a box. now I wonder if I can find a floppy disk to test it. (Deme****)

All of this is going to seem as silly as a floppy disk in exponentially less time than it took for a floppy disk to seem silly. (Extantp******)

To be really punk my new band's demo is only gonna be on floppy disk (Hahatha******)

My coworker is seriously trying to save stuff to a floppy disk. *smacks forehead* (Mis**)

The VHS, tape cassette, film roll, and floppy disk are putting up a little welcome sign for the CD. he's not enthused. (Laughlo******)

He been lookin at my sexy pics Said he diggin my sexy hips He wanna kiss my sexy lips And download me on his floppy disk (Melii*****)

In this day and age why do we still use an icon of a floppy disk/diskette to represent Saving a file? (MarkAl******)

I'm in a lovey dovey, kiss me baby, damn you fine! I want you to put your floppy disk all up in my hard drive mood :) (HollyJ******)

He met a lady while browsing. she unzipped his dotcom when downloading. since he was virus free he slotted hiw floppy disk in2 her hotmail (Mcho****)

Strange how saving things is still often represented by an image of 3.25" floppy disk. kids have to learn that association from us oldies. (Studion******)

It boggles my mind that Photoshop once fit on a 3.5" floppy disk. Oh how far it has come in 20 short years. (Tkrp****)

Everyday, I notice that the floppy disk is still used. as 'save' icon. (Onpur****)

Scotch tape really is amazing. It can even fix abroken floppy disk. (Daniel*****)

Teacher "What's the difference between a floppy disk and a hard drive?" Student "Disk rigidity." (Micheal******)

Edited more of How I Was Razed ch. 7 & transcribed my daily work logs to a floppy disk. This serves to prove how busy I've been 2 CPP. (VE6***)

Bought doom2 on floppy disk. Dosbox is for wimps, I'm going old skool and making my own 486 box. Should be fun, ish. (Tt_p***)

This man at work asked me if I had a floppy disk. Um hello its 2010 get it together. (Marq****)

My new motherboard is lovely, but. it's my first one without a floppy connector. So sad. (Pols****)

Evening stresses: spilling fragrance oil on dresser, automatic airfreshener spraying alex in face, computer demanding floppy (1995 much?)! (Dianna*****)

Wow. My external floppy drive still works. Going to move old files to HD before I can no longer read them. (Iank***)

Viewing old fam photos using a mint condish external floppy drive found at the local 'transfer site.' Feeling blue /and/ green. (Ameri****)

I was told AnnaLee's micrphone issue is known as 'floppy shirt syndrome' - (Ber***)

Who else used to have a Timex-Sinclair or a Vic 20? Just remembering- not only no hard drive, not even floppy drive, just a cassette tape- (Books*****)

And the floppy drive on my PowerMac 9500 is either dirty or dead. Whole process would be easier w/an external SCSI hard drive. (Morg***)

I cant believe motherboards these days still have floppy drive inputs. (Bradle******)

Used a floppy drive today (to try and revive an old machine). then i dialed into AOL. (Bpmccu******)

At work they have given me a computer at my desk. It has a floppy drive. Welcome back to the past, I s'pose. (TheGu*****)

Ooh! a floppy drive! I remember these things! they. made toast or something. (Syhr***)

Looking at computers for my dad. dang, which speed to get? and can I really install a floppy drive? LOL (Lisa***)

Really nobody have a 3.5 floppy drive anymore? Really. If you have one please halla I need to use one really really bad. (Lug**)

Frustrated that Im gonna have to actully pay real money for a floppy drive that I'll only use one time. Maybe I'll buy an 8 track too. (Miles*****)

You putting your credit card into yo floppy drive talking about you internet shopping (Madiso*****)

Whoa, I forgot what a floppy drive sounds like -- clicking, clicking. (Adri****)

Attempting: Ancient floppy Ancient laptop w/o USB or network ports IR Desktop w/o floppy drive. (Nb**)

Crap.. I need to copy some driver files to a floppy in order to recover windows XP!? I don't have a floppy drive :( (Rfri***)

I just built my first computer without a parallel port! Going to way of the floppy drive? (Arthurj******)

Downloaded drivers and luckily found that LAN cable worked so no need to search for USB floppy drive! I feel USB thumb drives are passe (TheW****)

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