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China Cabinet - USA

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60 External Comments

First Lady, I'm sorry I pimp slapped you into that china cabinet. I feel I used excessive force. (Fearles******)

Where is the sun. Got to put good dishes back in china cabinet. DKG at 4:30! (1965c****)

It would be salty living in LA and have a china cabinet in you house with all those earthquakes. downgoesfrazier to those dishes (A_mar****)

Instead of running upstairs to get my sleeping brother, she runs to the china cabinet to save her figurines! XD (Bubba****)

I gave the toy to mom because I didn't want to look at it. She put it on the china cabinet in the livingroom where it will stay forever. (CHICAGO*******)

Going to visit gpa Sunday? Can you come to Fbg and help move the china cabinet to the store room? (Hiik****)

OMGosh! I just realized I still have my snowman dishes displayed in my china cabinet. Hehehe! (Ascrapp*******)

BlackDynamitequotes First Lady, I'm sorry I pimp slapped you into that china cabinet (Stis****)

Rainy tuesday. really hoping the china cabinet builtin doesn't suffer more water damage - taped up garbage bags were looking pretty pathetic (Jesse****)

Son of a gun! I just broke a brand new bottle of Stoli Vanilla under the bottom of our wall mounted china cabinet. Pain in the. (Andi***)

On craigslist. if u need to charge 2200 for ur "high-end" china cabinet, is craigslist really the appropriate venue? (Amys****)

Andwerewalking Cause Alex has a built in China cabinet built in the wall (Dsoun****)

Inthehood we put Plastic cups and paper plates in the China Cabinet (Muhamma*******)

But his name is Jake he is in the bear den under the maids china cabinet (Smooth******)

NO, thought it was a good idea to purchase a china cabinet with our return vs. using the hall closet. crazy talk (Audio****)

And wow, I am loving your China Cabinet inspiration board today. Stunning! (Nikole******)

Ooh! I got the China cabinet moved w/ K's help! School area shaping up big-time! Pics on FB later. (Catholi******)

Click has a bunch of ISPs. however, i only have one free coxial jack, which is behind the fine china cabinet (of course) (Pm_**)

Looking for FREE or a REALLY good deal on furniture. needed: Dresser's, book shelves, BIG table, chairs, china cabinet. Just a little need! (Sear****)

Everywestindianparent has that china cabinet full of dishes that are never used (Djtrini******)

Why is the tequila that I bought for my parents from Mexico 2yrs ago still sealed and in the china cabinet. Jus ungrateful. wasting drinks! (M3mysel******)

Right now my house looks straight from the ghetto. Food in the china cabinet, the spare bedroom.. Dishes in the rooms microwaves and (Dreamsn_*******)

This baby is terrible. Threw at baseball at the China cabinet, tv & my nose (Hunters******)

Black Dynamite (to Patricia Nixon): First lady, I'm sorry I pimp slapped you into that china cabinet, I used excessive force (Ianlo*****)

Don't remember that one. My fave: "First Lady, I'm sorry I pimp-slappd you into that China cabinet." (Diana_******)

I have thousands of rocks & minerals in my house. Some are in china cabinet on top of & beside china. (Bery****)

That would be fun. He goes under furniture though (like me big china cabinet) so that might not work so well. :) (Whovi****)

Now he's licking the china cabinet. Lord, help me. This kid's crazy! (Arial****)

Grandma's china cabinet looks great now that I've cleaned & polished it- can't wait to put my good china in there :) (Kashm****)

Just picked up my grandmother's china cabinet that my mother gave me because she's moving- can't wait to see how it looks cleaned & polished (Kashm****)

Emptied the China cabinet onto the kitchen table/counters so we can spackle & paint this week. Before 2nd Thanksgiving. w/ Nate on the road. (Catholi******)

Ok, agenda for today: pack up china cabinet contents, take Boy 1 to see the Dragon movie, take spawn to the park by new house (Vaness*****)

Had a fairly busy day. Sorted thru some of Mum n Dad's effects. Now the proud owner of a lovely china cabinet (Nana****)

Having kids means finding diggers in your crisper and pants in your china cabinet. (Sulli*****)

My biggest task today was to clean our china cabinet/hut. my mother in law will be once again PROUD. did a great job! (Everyone*******)

My biggest task this morning was to clean our china cabinet/hut! i must say my mother in law will be once again PROUD :) (Everyone*******)

I think I'm going to clean the china cabinet today. tedious job. (Mandys******)

Lady, I'm sorry I pimp slapped you into that china cabinet. I use excessive force (Hhhh****)

Here is my china cabinet, and here is my gun cabinet, and over there the brain cabinet. We just save everything we don't use it unless wehav2 (Pandaw*****)

Better than Crazy Days! - Huge sale! China cabinet, electric fireplace, tables & chairs, queen mattress set, jewelry, golf clubs, holi. (OwatGara*******)

Pretty excited, having a bunch of vintage mahogany furniture delivered any time now. China cabinet, buffet, kitchen table & chairs. (Phaem****)

Remember when u broke those 3 occupied japan pieces out of china cabinet and we. (AmberYh******)

Spunk doesn't keep well in a china cabinet. try putting it in your sewing basket. (Fecket*****)

Left the house planning on thinking about new furniture. now owner of gorgeous antique table for 8, china cabinet and dresser. (Lovin****)

Lol I went looking for a table - I wanted pine, butcherblock but ended up with an antique table and china cabinet lol (Serend******)

Anyone want to buy a vintage chandelier or china cabinet. queen sized mattress and frame? night stands? help me get this stuff out! (Iheartp******)

I so want it. In a small space its the perfect china cabinet. little greek key chinoisere going on. painted black. ah (MrGWHu*****)

What should I do? Take out trash? Clean cat box? Dust dining room china cabinet? What will work? (Alone****)

Like new!! beautiful china cabinet; maytag washer & elec dryer pair (ne capitol cir; tally) (MrMan****)

I also have my Grandmother's china cabinet, MIL's couch & corner curio cabinet. My advice: Invest in what you can pass down. (Kito***)

There's a gorgeous tea set in our china cabinet that I'm planning on using soon & I'm stealing it when I get married! (AliaAl*****)

Getting stared down by a china cabinet full of porcelain dolls kinda ruins the mood but ya gotta keep on truckin (SFUC****)

We put together a sideboard, tall china cabinet and 4 bookcases today :) Still have to do one more small piece and craft cabinet (on order) (Heather*******)

Most of the dishes and decorative items I collect are still in boxes. I still need some sort of curio cabinet or china cabinet. (Cosl***)

My god this man on Auction Kings just paid 1,400 for doll furniture for his china cabinet. People are whacked out. (Kspr****)

Busy Sunday. baby shower, getting a new table and china cabinet, then helping make a dog box for the new pups :) (Tiff****)

Just added: Victorian Mission oak side by side secretary desk and china cabinet - oak! (YardleyA*******)

I love a thunder storm! Finished cleaning the china cabinet & curio cabinet. lots of polishing (Mollys*****)

Loving all the sweet comments on my last post :) Who knew MCM chairs + Craigslist china cabinet + farmhouse table would be so well received? (Hernand*******)

Bought a china cabinet for my antique dishes tonight and I am BEYOND excited! (Audrey*****)

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