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60 External Comments

Getting ready for some conferences I'm speaking at soon - British Columbia and Toronto. I love helping women in sales! (Sales****)

We do not recommend quality stoves & fireplaces ltd. from campbell river, british columbia. (Desig*****)

To do: study calculus, do french speech, learn monologue, finish art project, pack for british columbia! 5 sleeps! (Tristin*******)

Xerexes, Vancouver British Columbia, CA has loaned 2025 to Primavera Group, La Paz, Bolivia to purchase of merchandise. (Kivalend*******)

Why do African judges still wear those ridiculous. British-style wigs, 50 years after independence? It's embarrassing. They need to be retired (Zich****)

Sally Ritchie, Academies Director, in Washington DC now meeting British Council, charter schools and education experts. (Aldridg******)

Fish Tank deserved the win at Bafta, a good example of british cinemas fav genre working-class realism (Frase****)

Feeling very distressed, just noticed I have kitchen of horrors. Better known as imports or companies that aren't British! Beko & Haier (_SimonA*******)

Says} today was tiring*but all in all today was a good day*jus watchin british comedies:"are you being served?" (Cork****)

Watching are you being served on foxtel, hilarious british comedy of the 70's (Smcla****)

Best of british tonight chaps and chapesses - new episodes of hale & pace, men behaving badly, 'allo 'allo! & are you being served? (ComedyC******)

Worldfactday Dead Kennedys singer Jello Biafra is actually British. His real name is Jelly Biafra (Patrick*******)

British Front Door Lock: 78 - Allison: 1. I will conquer you, you opposite turning lock! (Alil***)

Ends today on ebay luvblu rare british blue staffordshire transferware compote "the blind boy" antique beautiful! (UofM***)

In pictures: Fashion royalty: Images from a Buckingham, Palace reception hosted by the Queen for the British clothing industry. (Website*******)

I retract my last . someone stole my England mug. It better have been the British CEO or else I'm gonna cut a bitch. (Amber****)

Fun, the trains has just turned up with 5 cars rather than the usual 12. Old habits but new tricks on British rail (Jamesten*******)

The one thing you can count on with British Airways is militancy all the way. Just when you thought nothing could make Air Canada look good. (Suivez******)

I am writing a paper about British national identity, but mostly I just get to read about Princess Diana. Not bad, university, not bad. (Broom_******)

Ah . cup of tea, new Irish wool blanket & British Vogue. Nice to be relaxing at home after traveling. (Shoegi******)

Last run in the dark. Time to pack away the head torch. Roll sunday and British Summer Time ! (Zant***)

British Press Awards - Digital Innovation: The Sun - SunTalk. Does that sum up the lack of digital innovation in this country? (Beccih*****)

Winner of the British Press Awards Digital Innovation Award! (Sunt***)

Digital Innovation of the Year at the British Press Awards goes to The Sun - for doing (online) radio. (Daniel*****)

British Press Awards votes Murdoch funded streaming radio as digital innovation of yr. Laugh or cry? (says guardian iPhone product guy) (Moo***)

End of hectic week correcting for the inadequacies of others. Home to Asian cuisine and British beer. (Mattj****)

Picture this: While we were writing our Constitution in Philadelphia, Washington, our PRESIDENT, was out fighting the British! (Brettc******)

The british have axed The Bill. i've never been more ashamed of my heritage. I'm gonna miss you, Mickey. (Poppy_*****)

A dinner fit for a British chav tonight: fish, chips, mushy peas and a pint of Bombardier (Stevesw*******)

Apparently Kumar was a tester in both Formula BMW and British F3 back in 2003/2004 but i've never heard of him . (F1pet****)

I recommend running slowly past the British Military Fitness lot while listening to Weapon Of Choice for a good 'live video' effect. (Kevc****)

I never understand why putting our clocks forward benefits the farmers, but hey! British Summer time has begun! (Georgi******)

Leave monday for oslo with british airways flights that are still confirmed to fly. (is everyone disco vegan in williamsburg?) (Jarboe_******)

Hooray for British Summer time! Going to optimistically add my sunglasses to my handbag (along with an umbrella.) (Scall*****)

Having lots of fun in Harrogate at Nursery trade show - so good to see so many friends, customers and amazing British products doing well. (Tilly****)

Hooray for British Summertime , blue skies , golden Sun and hot men ! (Please). (OUTFir******)

At home for the soul today. When here I study & read by the bay window & drink tea. Rep of Tea British Breakfast first round. (Jimel****)

It's cool to have two members of the British Royal family that support Arsenal: Queen Elizabeth and Prince Harry. (Quentin*******)

The Oz GP(Grand Prix) the British GP. Monoco. Singapore and the last 1 which i think is Abu Dhabi coz its an evening race!! (Roses*****)

I need a new microwave oven. All the devices in the house have automatically switched to British Summer Time except for the micro. (Ash_ma******)

I've done my bit and voted in the British soap awards. Pushed busy wise today. (EmmaJan*******)

Junior & Cadet world fencing championships in Baku, Azerbaijan. The first group of British fencers fly out early Monday morning. (British*******)

British Strawberry Season starts 1st June - great PR angles for companies selling any Strawberry related! (Catwa****)

Interesting to see British Cycling are now using Look pedals instead of the ubiquitous older Dura Ace (Euanli*****)

Goodbye to the vast lands of green trees and beautiful mountainous scenery of British Columbia. Hello glum and cement-paved land of Toronto (Buckin******)

Is looking forward to traveling to Birmingham, UK in 2 weeks to work at the British Small Animal Veterinary Association! (Drjust******)

Craig David is quitting his singing career to join the British Olympic 2012 Archery team. He's going to be their bow selector (Thedj*****)

Craig Craig David is quitting his singing career to join the British Olympic 2012 Archery team. He's going to be their bow selector (Statusm*******)

New oven and new hoover all up and running. (Hotpoint and Vax - both British firms.) Cue perfect cakes in pristine house, with bunting. (Nige***)

Am writing about PDA's. Tis a hearty debate and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. My French and British blood leaves me strangely ambiguous. (Emil***)

Watching the BBC adaption of Emma. I love Jane Austen, I'm such a girl stereotype. And also, why am I not British?! (Steph****)

I had a dream that this british kid said Kurt Cobain's name funny. And I made fun of him and corrected him. True fan. (Soniasup*******)

Only men who wear british knights and L A. Gear can roll wit me futurehubbymaterial ! (Kj2s****)

British airways ba910 lhr-fra -- flying with a supermicro server destined for de-cix (Cruci****)

Seeing an austrian tourism ad in a british edition of the guardian gives me a curious sense of nostalgia, patriotism and amusement. (Dnlp***)

Praying for the Scots, British and Irish that the storm and snow will soon be gone. Still boots and wrap warm. I'm tired of winter-clothes (Rosy****)

Cyclists love the dcba trailer! i got a few bell rings, a thumbs up and one backwards peace sign. hmm, or maybe it was the british "v sign" (Danie*****)

Watching Graham Norton pour Jack Daniels onto blanched peaches. God, I love the British. (Gibson_******)

Extreme winds on site today. Got our TCRP1203's tripod legs held down with concrete blocks! Start of british summertime my foot! (OmegaGe*******)

Listed in the British Style Bloggers directory-hooray! I'll get back to posting once I'm back from Sardinia. (Susan*****)

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