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40th Anniversary - USA

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60 External Comments

And I got myself another Moleskine on a whim, one black Woodstock 40th Anniversary limited edition large ruled notebook. Cute cover. (Maddi*****)

Don't forget the whs 40th anniversary ceremony--saturday, 4:30 in the pac! (WHSC****)

Come see the 40th anniversary 370 z. 40 years of engineering prowess = one great car (Norris******)

Various artists -- dance me to the end of love -- rounder records 40th anniversary concert (Wmnfpl******)

My mom and pops just had their 40th anniversary. my dad a minister)says"after 40 yrs in the wilderness, he is now prepared" he made a funny (Shon***)

News:Avatar's release will take place on the 40th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22 (Jshack*****)

Chipper has been spotted again . countdown to Earth Stroll 2010 - Earth Day's 40th anniversary. Chipper's new book is out to celebrate! (Letsgoc******)

Feels so blessed to have such inspirational role models. her parents celebrated their 40th anniversary today god bless them love them heaps (Pps1***)

Now playing on low mercury: gabriel le mar ''slo mo'' (from space night presents perry rhodan 40th anniversary) (Groo****)

Countdown to Tangerine Dream 40th anniversary concert! Woo! Got this and Dr Who new series the same weekend. faints with excitement!! (Kermi*****)

Which teacher do you most want to see at the John Dewey High School 40th Anniversary/Reunion this June? (JDHSA*****)

Count down-40th Anniversary Celebration - Thur, Mar 25th 3pm-7pm Join us for good food, good drink and good fun. Gifts for all attendees. (Arnolds******)

In a few days Mariah Carey (known 2 me as 'MC') is having her 40th anniversary so I'm going to be random lyrics & quotes from her:) (Thatguy*******)

Now Playing on Low Mercury: Moby ''Summer'' (from Space Night Presents Perry Rhodan 40th Anniversary) (Groo****)

They Might Be Giants and Citizen Cope will play at 40th anniversary Earth Day concert sponsored by River 92-5 on April 22 on the Greenway (Boston*****)

Taking my parents out to eat at the porch in dalls, for their 40th anniversary (Paulhu******)

Celebrating our 40th Anniversary this week in Austin, Dallas and Houston - where does the time go? (TheGree******)

Just bought my tickets for the 40th anniversary of my high school (which I graduated from 25 years ago this year). (Gregca******)

School's 40th anniversary show starts tomorrow. I have one Bay City Roller costume to come up with pronto. Bl**dy teachers! (Gillyb*****)

I went to the Nissan dealership today to see the 40th Anniversary Edition of my car. Wow, I am totally sad now. I love the colors. Boo hoo. (SamBa****)

Watching The Zombies : Odessey and Oracle 40th Anniversary. If you don't know that record, go give it a try! You'll know "Time and Season" (Andypro*******)

Still in "Bloom, IL". even though I haven't lived in Bloom Township in 30 years. And this year is my 40th anniversary of being a BTHS grad. (Flavi****)

Great brunch with the family to celebrate my parents' 40th anniversary. (Mollyi*****)

I'm very new to this but come june i should be sending (?) & pics from Glastonbury festivals 40th anniversary keep watching! (Madm****)

Happy 40th Anniversary to my lovely wife! We're serving with Raceway Ministries at BMS (Wnccha*****)

To The Moon: Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing (WOW1***)

My parents hosted another 40th Anniversary Family Celebration Dinner. Brazilian BBQ. recovering from food coma. (Corde*****)

Just have to say Happy 40th anniversary to my parents. Love you both. (Mollyi*****)

Wow the 40th anniversary Planet of the Apes Blu-ray box set is kind of incredible. (Add***)

April 22 is Earth Day and we're celebrating it's 40th anniversary w/ a special green menu. No, not broccoli- and spinach-GREEN! Eco-green! (The_Fir******)

Bville friends: thinking about sending my inlaws there for dinner and maybe something else like a show? 40th anniversary. Any ideas? (Andrea*****)

My 40th anniversary (1969 -70) of my 4th year as Engg Student. God has seen to it that I celebrate by meeting you all during 09-10! (Jeya****)

Rounder Records 40th Anniversary Concert. What an eclectic collection of artists doing things you might be amazed by. (Popsf****)

Sat filled with cleaning (uhg), grading assignments (better) and then 2nite, celebrating ma&pa's 40th anniversary (wonderful). (Eredin*****)

Watching Rounder Records 40th Anniversary on PBS - a slightly brighter spot in a not-so-great day (Ajd1***)

Pre] [tv-x264] [rounder. records.40th. anniversary. concert.720p. hdtv. x264-ibex] (Pre_an******)

Gear up for 40th Anniversary of Chicano Park Day! Iron the Dickies, sharpen the lip-liner, and shine up the low-rider por que va ver party! (Olympia******)

It is a 40th anniversary miracle! (priest walked into the room and the kitchen came back to life) (Grend****)

Stop in to register to win a free cruiser bike, compliments of Westide Cycling! Green your ride in honor of Earth Day's 40th anniversary! (WFM***)

Leading a sing-along of 70s music at the 40th anniversary of Headrest tonight at the Riverside Grill. So fun! Such a great org. (NHKa***)

At a 40th anniversary party. DJ Boogie Woogie is spinning what can only be best described as elevator music. Back to the open bar I go. (Grend****)

Headed to Charleston for the 40th anniversary of the Christian Campus Fellowship at EIU. where it all began :) (Gretche******)

April 10, 2010, marks the 40th anniversary of the breakup of the Beatles . And yes it was april 10 :) (via ) (Frenzy*****)

Maybe justin beiber can stay out of the TT long enough so we can get the beatles up in there for the 40th anniversary of the break up. (Icanmak******)

Random fact: Today is the 40th anniversary of the break-up of Beatles. (Rtal***)

Today's the 40th anniversary of when Paul McCartney left the Beatles. (Jelf***)

Tomorrow marks the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 13 launch. Why not share the movie with you kids this week? What a great story! (Adler_f*******)

Next year, the 18th GMBR will commemorate the 40th anniversary of the first lunar rover -- Apollo 15, 1971! (MOONBUG******)

Spacevidcast's KSC reporter - Jason Rhian - is at KSC covering the Apollo 13 40th anniversary event for Spacevidcast!! (SpaceV******)

Ordered tickets to go see America's 40th Anniversary Tour with the Little River Band. Two great bands in one place! (Simply******)

Thanks, I just can`t imagine missing it, I haven`t missed one since 20 so I don`t want to miss out on the 40th anniversary, (Ilro***)

Very excited to go to next weekend for the 40th anniversary of Apollo 13. Astronauts + mission control folks will be there (Dmsc***)

Otw erasmus huis, gonna attend its 40th anniversary. hahaha. kak jadi dateng tidak yaa? (Aai***)

Today is the 40th Anniversary when The Beatles split up and drove their own way.. :) Im sure gonna miss them? Who else is gonna miss them? (ItsDe*****)

Sorry if anyone was looking for me, was at my works 40th anniversary - day and night function and battery died in my blackberry! x (MG**)

Remembering the Six-Day War: A Fact Sheet June 5, 2007, marks the 40th anniversary of the Six-Day War. (Lissa*****)

My go-to drive test dvd is the 40th anniversary Sound of Music, disc 2. Should I be worried? (Phil***)

Just found out that there is a 40th anniversary "time castle" in front of the castle at Disneyland. Cant wait tell 2035 when it gets opened! (Ryantca******)

Yes we do have info about Skyline's 40th anniversary. If there's something in particular you want to know about it, please ask. (Theskyl*******)

Bud cort is definitely coming 2nite to brewster mccloud for 40th anniversary screening & discussion at the aero with co-star sally kellerman (Sidgr*****)

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